CC Barrel & Pole Bending
Langley riders Society and Cowgirl Creations has come together to bring even more ways to win! We are very excited to be able to provide year end awards for Langley Riders Society Members that compete at the Langley Riders Games days in the Barrels and Pole Bending as well as the Cowgirl Creations Barrel and Pole Bending Races held at the Langley Riders Society arena as well as Heritage Park indoor Arena.
How it works changes nothing at a LRS Games Day. All events will be run the same as in the past, with the same age divisions, and placings. After the events have been completed for the day the Cowgirl Creations Director will receive a copy of the results for Barrels and Pole Bending and simulate the times into the CC 4D system. Again, this does not change LRS results or points for LRS.
These simulated results will give CC points to LRS Members only. The simulated CC results will be posted as well as an ongoing points record throughout the year. There is no additional charge for members and there will be awards at the year end banquet to high point winners.
There are two ways to earn CC LRS Members Only Points. First, attend LRS Games days and enter the Barrels and/or Pole Bending. There is no additional fee, nor will it change the way the Games have been run in the past. Second, attend CC Barrel and Pole Bending races.
CC Season starts Jan 1, 2016. Winter races held at Heritage Park Indoor Arena, Chilliwack are on Jan 23, Feb 5 & 19, and March 30. The LRS CC Barrel & Pole Bending Points cut-off will be Oct. 31, 2016. You can race in English attire & tackJ
It is not mandatory to participate in LRS Games Days AND CC Barrel and Pole Bending Days to earn points; it just doubles your chances. The more races you attend; the more points you will receive. For more information please see CC Rules and Guidelines or email barrel_daze@yahoo.com Hope to see you at the races!
Current HCBC is required to ride on LRS property and in all events
Barrel Daze
CC Barrel Daze and Pole Bending Race Dates:
Sept 25 Langley Riders Arena DBL Header Office opens at 9 am Race at 11 am
Oct Heritage Park Indoor TBA
Nov Heritage Park Indoor TBA
Dec Heritage Park Indoor TBA
Please contact Sherry-Lynn Prest. 604-856-4482
or use our easy email form below: barrel_daze@yahoo.com
All emails using the form will automatically be fowarded to Sherri.
Proof of current Horse council required.