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Welcome to a new year of fun and games at Langley Riders. Whether you're a new member to the club or a well seasoned veteran, Games Days at Langley Riders are all about learning new skills, perfecting skills you already know, meeting people and making new friends, but most of all it's enjoying the day with your horse.

Please remember that  if riding;  western, western attire is required (long sleeve western shirt, boots, and either a western hat or games helmet).


English tack and attire is also allowed in games. The mixing of English and Western tack is not allowed with the exception of snaffle bits. Protective head gear is allowed in both English and Western attire. If hard hats are worn, harnesses are mandatory.

Games Days - Langley Riders

October 2 - Sunday - COSTUME PARADE - OPTIONAL

Registration 8:30 am

Classes Start 9:00 am

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Congratulations to everyone who attended our first Games Day of 2016! 

We had some new members join our club today - welcome to Games, and some previous members returning - welcome back! 

This was a Double Points Day.  We had a great time even though we had to run between a few rain drops. A big thank you to our volunteers!  Games Days wouldn't happen without you


Congratulations to the October 2

Games High Point  Winners!

George Burns

Bonnie Proctor, 31 points

Jack Benny

Stacy Northey, 36 points


Bethany Hill, 35 points


Trisha Minet, 28 points


Cheyenne Grindrod, 28 points

Tiny Mite

Grace Hilderman, 36 points

Lead Line

Kacey Crawford

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CLASSES:  Please check monthly for class lists. 


Some of the games that we run include

  • Barrels

  • Pole Bending

  • Big T

  • Egg Stomp

  • Keyhole

  • Water race

  • Speed Barrels

  • Thread the Needle

  • Texas Barrels

  • Changing Flags

  • Obstacle Race

  • Speed Ball

  • Pen Race

  • Stepping Stones

  • Ringo

  to name a few.

ENTRIES:  Entries paid on the day

Registration:  8:30 am  

Proof of current Horse council required.  




Applies to all non-profit riding club members - requires proof of your current club membership.



$20.00 all day for 1st family member

$10.00 all day for 2nd family member

$5.00 each additional family member

$10.00 for 2nd horse (no points)

$5.00 per event



$40.00 all day for 1st family member

$20.00 all day for 2nd family member

$10.00 each additional family member

$20.00 for second horse (no points)

$10.00 per event


Age Divisions:



















  • Western Hat, Gaming Hat or Helmet may be worn with Western or English attire.  
  • All Helmets must have harnesses.
  • It is mandatory that Tiny Mites wear helmets.
  • All riders must be suitably attired according to Western or English rules but should be one or the other.
  • Hats must be on when crossing the start line.  Elimination if the hat is not on the riders head when crossing the start line. No penalty will be imposed if the hat falls off while on course.


  • Barrel race rules any type of riding tack allowed.

  • Western or English tack is allowed but no mixing of the two with exception of snaffle bits.

  • Type of reins used optional.  Two hands on reins allowed.

  • Martingales, tie downs, hackamores, bosals, and cavesons allowed

  • All humane type bits allowed.

  • Approved flat curb chains allowed, nothing less than a half inch wide.

  • Spurs allowed.



Remember volunteers are needed!!! 

Please come out and get your hours in or just lend a hand to help with ring crew, gate, announcing, etc.  There is always a job to do and your help is not only wanted but much appreciated.  

Please please help us and give the director a call ahead of time if you can volunteer.

Langley Riders Society 

50 + Years 1965-2016

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